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Ava Crowley Relapsed Neuroblastoma Expansion Trial

Project Title

A Phase I/II Trial of DFMO in Combination With Bortezomib in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Neuroblastoma

Layman’s summary

Dr. Sholler’s trial combines a first-in-children, investigational oral immunotherapy drug with chemotherapy to treat relapsed or progressive neuroblastoma. The Phase I trial treated 15 patients and CKc’s funding helped move the trial to Phase 2 as well as make it accessible to patients at 5 additional sites across the country, including CKc’s hometown of Orlando, Florida.

Giselle Sholler

This Project By The Numbers

  • Years Active
    2 years
  • Amount Awarded
  • Institution
    Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, Spectrum Health