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The Addi Sinclair Immunotherapy Trial

Project Title

Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy for High-Risk Solid Tumors

Layman’s summary

High-risk types of malignant solid tumors in children (pediatric malignant solid tumors, pMST) have poor long-term cure rates, and new treatments are needed. Cell Therapy (ACT) with Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL) involves removal and growth and reinfusion of immune cells from a patient’s tumor back to the patient. This is a Phase I clinical trial of TIL-ACT in high-risk pMST to prove its safety and feasibility in children and report on responses seen with this therapy.

Jonathan Metts

This Project By The Numbers

  • Years Active
    3 Years
  • Amount Awarded
  • Institution
    Moffitt Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital