Project Title
2141-V11, an agonist anti-CD40 antibody, for relapsed pediatric tumors
Layman’s summary
This grant proposes a study of a novel antibody, 2141-V11, that binds a protein called CD40. When injected directly into a relapsed solid tumor, this anti-CD40 antibody is capable of activating embedded immune cells and potentially attracting additional immune cells to fight cancer cells. This proposal will first test the safety of 2141-V11, then the safety of combination 2141-V11 and checkpoint inhibition (i.e. an established immunotherapy in adults), and subsequently whether 2141-V11 converts the checkpoint inhibitor to a more effective drug in pediatric patients.
Allison O’Neill
This Project By The Numbers
Years Active3 years
Amount Awarded$200,000
InstitutionDana-Farber Cancer Institute
Additional CKc Funded Research