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Project Title

Biomarker development for combined PD1+LAG3 inhibition in RRD glioblastoma

Layman’s summary

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the leading cause of cancer-related death in children, adolescents, and young adults. Traditional therapies like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation fail to cure these patients. Dr. Das’s international consortium identified a GBM subtype arising from errors during DNA replication, which accumulate many ‘mutations’. Dr. Das obtained approval to treat selected children with a new therapy, which shows signs of effectiveness. New ‘biomarkers’ will be analyzed to validate the immune response of these patients. If successful, this combination will be tested in a larger clinical trial and become the standard of care for this previously deadly disease. This grant was co-funded through a partnership with Kindred Foundation.

Anirban Das

This Project By The Numbers

  • Years Active
    3 years
  • Amount Awarded
  • Institution
    SickKids Toronto