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Champion Society

There are many ways you can make an impact!

phi·lan·thro·py /fəˈlanTHrəpē/ noun

the desire to promote the welfare of others.

Most people want to help others but they sometimes don’t see how they could make a difference. And when we’re talking about creating better treatments for pediatric cancer, the task seems daunting. But just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it’s impossible! And there’s room in the fight for everyone. Especially kids!

Why kids make great philanthropists:

  • They are naturally curious about problems, why they exist, and what can be done to solve them.

  • They are kind. 

  • They want to help solve problems. 

  • They love to feel included.

CKc’s Champion Society is a way for kids to get involved in our mission and make a difference in the lives of kids fighting cancer. 

Kid friendly philanthropy projects:

Raise money for better, less-toxic cancer treatments for kids!

Write a researcher! Write a note of encouragement to a doctor treating kids with cancer.

Key learning objectives:

They can make a difference in the lives of kids fighting cancer!

They can be a part of the solution. The money they raise will fund research that finds better cancer treatments for kids!

But most importantly, they’ll learn that giving back isn’t just helpful to the world around them, it feels great too!

Now is the perfect time to introduce the concept of philanthropy to your child. Help them practice empathy and learn to build on community-based initiatives that make a difference.

Kids who make an impact with CKc are recognized with this champion society sticker and certificate!

How to get started

Get inspired with these Party with a Purpose resources! 

When is the best time? Anytime! If you’d like to get involved during September, here’s info about pediatric cancer awareness month! Click Here to Learn More

If you have questions about Champion Society, please contact Dana Nichols at [email protected]

Create your team on our Champion Society fundraising page!