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First Florida-Based Oncofertility Clinic for Childhood Cancer Patients

Project Title

First Florida-Based Oncofertility Clinic for Childhood Cancer Patients

Layman’s summary

Infertility remains a persistent and major concern for childhood cancer survivors. Early intervention is essential to protecting reproductive health and the cornerstone of successful intervention is a nurse patient navigator to educates families on their options and make a family- centered, timely plan. CKc’s funding will help support two goals: 1) the hiring of such a navigator at Arnold Palmer Hospital; and, 2) the creation of a multidisciplinary service team for reproductive preservation and an ovarian tissue cryopreservation opportunity for pre-pubescent females at the hospital. This effort will make Arnold Palmer Hospital and central Florida the hosts of the first and only pediatric oncofertility clinic in the state of Florida.

Amy Smith

This Project By The Numbers

  • Years Active
    2 years
  • Amount Awarded
  • Institution
    Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children