Project Title
Phase II Trial of Naxitamab and Tipifarnib for Relapsed/Refractory Neuroblastoma
Layman’s summary
Anti-GD2 antibody (mAb) immunotherapy has been found to improve overall survival in neuroblastoma (NB) patients, but a substantial subset of patients still do not respond or develop resistance to this treatment. This clinical trial tests a novel way to treat these patients with a drug, tipifarnib, that can overcome the negative effects of tiny particles released by NB tumors that can weaken the immune system. Tipifarnib restores and enhances the effectiveness of an FDA approved mAb, naxitamab, by blocking these tiny particles and restoring the immune environment in the tumor.
Giselle Saulnier Sholler
This Project By The Numbers
Years Active3 years
Amount Awarded$200,000
InstitutionPenn State University College of Medicine